English Mass Schedule
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Let your scheduler know early if you are
unable to serve in the upcoming months.
EMHC: Please use Team Reach to find a
sub and any prayer requests.
Reminder: You are obligated to complete a
day of reflection. I encourage you to
participate in a group series like podcasts,
retreats, on-line devotions, etc.
Proclaimer Note: Thank you for your
dedication to the Proclaimer Ministry. If you are
unable to do your assignment, please!!!! notify your
scheduler asap . Especially Palm Sunday through
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion–
Mary Beth Kolter: [email protected]
Proclaimers –
Madeline Johns: [email protected]
Greeters –
Altar Servers-
Andrea Schmalzried: [email protected]
Calendario de Servidores
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